On Thursday 29th June, students from Sherwell Valley Primary School to learn more about the history of Torre Abbey. Students visited the Spanish Barn, explored the gardens on a Tudor herb hunt, made soap suds from plants, conquered a riddle trail through the museum, and heard tales of ghosts and galleons.
The students really enjoyed exploring their senses in the gardens, looking around the lawns and greenhouses for herbs and then smelling and soaking them to make soapy suds. It was a beautiful sunny day, so it was a prime opportunity to enjoy the sun, let loose, and follow their curiousity — usually, this led them to the Cactus room!
Many of the students had not visited Torre Abbey at all before, so there was plenty to discover in the museum. The students carefully explored their surroundings so that they could gather clues for their riddle trail. Along the way we found an Olympic torch, a ballroom, and even a rhino (albeit a statue of a rhino). We’re really lucky to have such a rich historic monument here in the heart of the Bay.