
Our latest addition to our Bushcraft area…

Introducing our newest addition to the bushcraft area: a slack line! It’s fun, it’s physical, and it provides an excellent way for our bushcraft students to take a break from their work and enjoy some much-needed activity, especially after a session of sitting and concentrating on knife work or cooking.

Slacklining is a great way to stay active while also improving balance, focus, and coordination. Plus, it’s just plain fun! It’s amazing how quickly they can make progress, developing confidence after a few turns up and down the line.

Students are encouraged to work together to figure out the best way to use the slack line and help each other out as they learn. It’s a great way to build teamwork and cooperation skills — all from just something so simple as two sturdy trees and a line.

If you visit us at one of our Earthworks community days, you’ll have to come and give it a go!

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